The site verification process starts when after proper counseling the surgeon books a case. The receptionist then creates an electronic file which sends a copy of the surgeon's instructions to a HIPPA compliant secure server, and login information is sent to the patient's email address. At home, at the patient's convenience and with the help of family and advocates as necessary, the patient logs into the patient portal and completes the verification of the side and site of the planned surgery. This information is sent to the server and basically states the patient's wishes during the entirety of the surgery.
On the day of surgery or any time before, the various members of the surgical team, including the surgeon, the physician assistant, the anesthesiologist the pre-surgery and the operating room nurses could login to the patient's chart and complete the relevant portions of the intraoperative dashboard.
Upon arrival in the operating room, the patient's arm band is scanned and immediately inside the room, a large dashboard appears which pulls in all the information relating to the patient from a HIPPA compliant super secure.
Additional information is also pulled in from interphase with the hospital's electronic health record and with the pack System.
This is displayed on a live dashboard which